Quick Links to Various Programs
Family Services
The Carying Place - serves working homeless families with children
Dorcas Ministries - a resource for Cary/Morrisville residents
Family And Community Empowerment Services (FACES) - a resource for Fuquay-Varina residents
InterAct - domestic violence crisis line, shelter, & resources
Triangle Family Services - financial counseling & family strengthening resources
Triangle United Way (2-1-1) - directory of resources
Wake County Human Services - food stamps, medicaid, energy assistance
Western Wake Crisis Ministry - Partnering with those in crisis, helping them gain stability through basic supports for food, financial/housing assistance, education, and opportunity.
White Oak Foundation - financial resource for Cary, Apex & Morrisville residents; foreclosure prevention and housing counseling for Wake County residents
Food Banks
Advance Community Health - affordable healthcare for those with and without health insurance
NeighborHealth Center - faith-based affordable healthcare for those with and without health insurance
Homeless & Housing Services
Coordinated Entry - access points that connect homeless persons with area programs and services
House Wake - Wake County rental assistance program
We can help identify the right resources for your individual needs, because no one should go homeless.
* This phone number and email are monitored Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. *
A New Lease on Life - Triangle Apartment Association
Rent Payment Assistance in Wake County - a list of websites offering rental assistance programs
SocialServe - affordable housing database
Beds for Children
Utility Assistance
LIEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance Program) or CIP (Crisis Intervention Program)
Call 919-212-7000 or email
Water Bill Past Due? - Call 919-996-3333 or email for help.